Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022Liked by Matt Bult

Also I do not understand how SEER calculates "age-adjusted death rate per 100,000"

Sadly we have "age-adjusted rates" up to 2019 and "cases" in 2022, this may present a problem as this is not apples to apples?

Any idea how to overcome it?

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I find your post to be very interesting. So please do not take my comments as something negative -- I want to make sure every number is defensible.

you have a typo "steve hirsch"

I do not understand logic and calculations of this paragraph:

Based on population figures here, I am able to determine that the 18-39yo age group represents 29.52% of the US population or about 97.5 million people. That gives us a projected 2022 rate of new cancers in this age group of (87,050/925) 89.28 for 2022. Again, this is a 21% increase in cancers that have been very stable (ranging from 62 to 76) over the last 28 years. I’m not going to photoshop another chart but you get the drift. This is unheard of.

I think that you have something real here. If I write about it I will definitely refer to you in a big rectangle link

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https://seer.cancer.gov/statfacts/html/pancreas.html projects pancreatic cancer rates of 64,050 in 2023. This is compared to data from https://wonder.cdc.gov/cancer-v2020.HTML that shows rates from 2016-2020 of roughly 50,000 to 56,000, with the most recent data (2020) being 52,747. Government projections show more than a 21% increase in just pancreatic cancers since pre-vaccines. 2021-2023 data is missing/not available. They are running out of time to figure out how to spin this, you cannot hold this data forever.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

cancer is another version of the virus ideology. this time the cells are the virus and they spread rapidly infecting other cells. atleast that is what people are told. in reality it is damaged cells and it is the toxicity that can spread and cause more damaged cells. toxicity from for example treatments. the doctors might say there is no hope and give 'paleative care' which adds more toxicity. maybe this paleative care was fast tracked inline with the liverpool care pathway as a result of the alleged pandemic.


the test might have been altered to increase the rate.

steve jobs is an example of a pancreatic death often cited by protein pushers. Dr Mc Dougall did this video about steve jobs death saying he was pushed into eating meat in the end etc. maybe the keto craze pushed by e.g. mecola has increased deaths. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81xnvgOlHaY

Dr Morse has some videos on cancer. he says chemo is attempted murder.


cancer society etc. are front groups for animal agriculture/ pharma etc. that would explain why they are covering up increased deaths. what the health showed an example of this. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5vfq54

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